I don’t believe in prayer if…

Prayer is JUST a magic charm. But that’s how some people pray. They pray….only so they’ll be safe when they go on vacation. Only so their day will go smoothly. Only so their family will stay happy and healthy. Only so they will get the lucky breaks. I don’t believe in that kind of prayer…

I don’t believe in prayer if…

Prayer is JUST a way to “place my order” with God. But that’s how some people pray. They pray only because they’d like to have something they don’t have. Only because they’d rather not have something they do have. Only because someone is bugging them and they need to have God straighten that person out. Only because they don’t want to have to go through the hard times. I don’t believe in that kind of prayer.

I don’t believe in prayer if…

Prayer is JUST a tranquilizer. But that’s how some people pray. They pray… only because they feel so much better when they do. Only because they’re more relaxed and at peace with the world when they pray. Only because they’re easier to be around when they pray and they want people to like being around them. I don’t believe in that kind of prayer.

I don’t believe in prayer if it’s only a matter of what I can get from God.


Prayer is a conversation with someone I love. And that’s just how some people pray. They pray…they want to show God how much they love HIM (and spending time with Him is a way to show Him). Because they want to tell God how wonderful they think He is. Because they want to let God know how they’re feeling and what they need him to do for them and for others. Because they want to say thank you to God. Because they want to say, “Im sorry.”


Prayer is a window that lets me see into God’s heart. (This does not mean I will always understand what He’s doing, but I will understand the kind of God He is – that He is loving and kind, for example.) And that’s just how some people pray. They pray… so they can listen to God. So they know what He wants them to do. So they learn what to ask for and what not to ask for. So they understand Him better.

I DO BELIEVE IN PRAYER…. Prayer is a matter of what I can give to God – my love, my admiration, and my trust.

 Now, tell me, which prayer do you pray?

Sarah Dawn
1/22/2010 11:14:58 pm

hi hanz!!!nice kau imong blogspot...pwd mcopy s "what prayer do you pray?" ako ipost s FB!!!

8/16/2012 01:16:15 pm

Despite the fact that I found this specific post genuinely interesting, I couldn’t help but to ponder whether or not the statistics you used are accurate. That claim seems fairly odd to me. Any thoughts whether or not it’s actually a fact?

9/3/2012 06:41:56 pm

Um nicht in das mehr als oft nicht zu verstehen sein, bin ich geneigt, wie Beiträge zu diesem Thema schrittweise zusätzliche betrachten, Sie schreiben es in der Mode weiterhin Ihre persönlichen Mittel, wir müssen wirklich dont sagen ist wirklich ein schönes veröffentlichen jener zu erinnern.

9/27/2012 01:19:13 pm

Naturellement, comme votre site vous avez à peine à accorder à l'importation aboutquite quelques-uns le long de vos bases. Une bonne part il est pléthorique sur bringsout importation et j'assure indiscernable du mal à établir la vérité tout thequivalent mal décidément hostile à nouveau.


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